We have the following contact information on “Flix S.E.” for you to use for privacy-related requests:
Flix S.E.
Attn: Data Protection
Friedenheimer Brücke 16
80639 München
Flix S.E.
Attn: Data Protection
Friedenheimer Brücke 16
80639 München
Phone: | +49 30 300137300 |
Email: | data.protection@flixbus.com |
Website: | https://www.flixbus.de/ |
Category: travel
“Flix S.E.” is also responsible for the following entities and services:
- FlixBus B.V.
- Flix Chile SpA
- FlixBus CEE South d.o.o.
- FlixBus CZ
- FlixBus DACH GmbH
- FlixBus Danmark ApS
- FlixBus Estonia OÜ
- FlixBus France SARL
- FlixBus Hungary Kft.
- FlixBus Inc.
- FlixBus Italia S.r.l.
- FlixBus North GmbH CEE
- FlixBus Polska Sp. z.o.o.
- FlixBus Portugal, Unipessoal Lda
- FlixBus RO SRL
- FlixBus RUS LLC
- FlixBus Sverige AB
- FlixBus UK Inc.
- FlixTrain GmbH
- Rodbillet ApS
- Swebus Express AB
Is this data inaccurate or the company you were looking for not in our database? Suggest an edit to this company or a new one. Thanks for your help!
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