We have the following contact information on “Marks & Spencer Financial Services plc” for you to use for privacy-related requests:
Marks & Spencer Financial Services plc
Attn: Data Protection
PO Box 10565
51 Saffron Road
LE18 9FT
United Kingdom
Marks & Spencer Financial Services plc
Attn: Data Protection
PO Box 10565
51 Saffron Road
LE18 9FT
United Kingdom
Phone: | +44 345 900 0900 |
Website: | https://bank.marksandspencer.com/ |
Categories: finance, insurance
“Marks & Spencer Financial Services plc” is also responsible for the following entities and services:
- M&S Bank
- M&S Bank Mortgages
- M&S Travel
- M&S Current Account
- M&S Credit Card
- M&S Personal Loans
- M&S Insurance
- M&S Savings and Investments
- Marks and Spencer Unit Trust Management Ltd.
- M&S High Income Fund
- M&S Worldwide Managed Fund
- M&S UK Selection Portfolio
- M&S UK 100 Companies Fund
- Marks and Spencer Savings and Investments Ltd.
- M&S Corporate ISA
- Actual address: Kings Meadow, Chester CH99 9FB, United Kingdom.
Is this data inaccurate or the company you were looking for not in our database? Suggest an edit to this company or a new one. Thanks for your help!
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