Thank you very much for your interest in supporting us! Your donation will help us to fund our current and upcoming projects so that they can stay free for everyone.
If you want to support us recurrently, you can also become a supporting member. This way you can also give us a SEPA direct debit mandate.
As a public-benefit organization, we can also issue you a donation receipt.
Questions and Answers
Why should I donate?
Donations help us keep the website, database and generator up to date and free for the years to come. We will use additional money to start new projects supporting data protection in Europe. Thank you for considering to donate.
What happens to my donation?
We use your donation to pay our running expenses and to start new projects to advance data security in Europe according to our constitution. You can read about exactly where your money ended up going in our yearly report. We are not allowed to earn any profit, so you can be sure that your donation ends up going to a good cause.
How do I get a receipt for my donation?
If you require a receipt from us in order to prove to your tax authority that you donated to a public-benefit organization, we can provide you with one. Generally, we only issue receipts for payments made via bank transfer, direct debit, or PayPal.
After your donation, you will be redirected to a page where you can download a (German) receipt for your donation if you donated an amount less than 300 €.
For a larger donation, you will have to send us an email at, and tell us your donation ID and address, so that we can create an extended receipt for you.Please note that we are only accredited as a public-benefit organization by German tax authorities. Please check your local tax code to see how and if you can deduct your donation to us in your tax returns.
Who has donated besides me?
Donations of people and companies who donated more than 10% of our yearly budget are published with the amount and — only with their consent — their name. For organizations, we will publish the name even without explicit consent. You can read about these donations in our transparency report.
What happens to the data that I provide for the donation?
Depending on your payment method, you will need to provide different kinds of data. We spent a lot of time trying to minimize the data that you need to enter, though. If you need an extended receipt for your donation, we will need to get your address and keep it according to the lawful retention limit, too. The exact data we get from you or our payment providers is listed in our privacy policy.
How can I donate anonymously?
If you don’t want to give away your identity, you can send us cash via postal mail to our address: e. V.
Schreinerweg 6
38126 Braunschweig
GermanyFor cash donations, we suggest using the German postal service’s WERT NATIONAL or a similar product offered by your local post office. We do not recommend sending cash donations internationally. In any case, please ensure that the contents of your letter are not visible from the outside.
We can only accept cash donations in Euro.
How can I donate via SEPA direct debit?
Recurring donations via direct debit are only available for our members. You can become a supporting member and then give us a SEPA mandate. Currently, we do not support single donations via direct debit.