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We deeply value your right to privacy and try to limit data collection and processing as much as possible. Most of the features on will be run directly on your computer and the data you enter will never even reach our servers. There are however some features we cannot offer without collecting some data (most settings even on this page do not require that, though).
Here, you have the option to decide yourself which features you want to enable.

When you set any of the options below, your choice will be saved in a cookie. If we don’t find a cookie for an option, we use a default value which we have decided on.

Our company database holds privacy-related contact data for many companies which makes sending requests to them a lot simpler. To find the companies you are looking for, you can use our search engine.
In order for that to work, we need to send the search terms you enter to one of our servers. We do not keep any logs of such requests, though.

To make managing your previous requests easier, we offer the “My requests” feature. If you enable it, all requests you generate will be saved on your own computer (using the local storage feature of your browser) and you can later browse through them here. There, you can also delete all saved request data at any time or export it as a CSV file.

To make sending new requests easier, we can save your identification data for you. The data will only be saved on your computer (using the local storage feature of your browser) and never be send to any servers, including ours. You can easily control the data that is saved about you via the “My saved data” feature. You can always delete all of your data here or in your browser.