Event date
Event venue
Rungestraße 20, 10179 Berlin, Germany
Rungestraße 20, 10179 Berlin, Germany
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Datenanfragen.de at the 122. Netzpolitischer Abend
We gave a short presentation at the 122. Netzpolitischer Abend by Digitale Gesellschaft at the c-base. In this talk, we presented our project and our work so far. We talked about the rights from the GDPR and how these can be exercised through our website. We also presented our new features for generating admonitions and complaints for incorrectly answered requests and reported on our research into data protection violations by companies, for example with regards to tracking in mobile apps.
More details at Digitale Gesellschaft (German)
Material: Slides (German), Recording on YouTube (German with English subtitles)
The recording by Digitale Gesellschaft is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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